Friday, July 29, 2011

Porting Genia POS Tagger 3.0.1 to Windows

I have just ported the latest version of Genia POS Tagger (3.0.1 ) to windows. One can use it on windows though without porting, via cygwin. In fact that was what I was doing so far. Lately, I decided for a reason to run the tagger as a server. So I wrote a Java wrapper. Today when I scanned through the code again I found that only a few adjustments can port the codes to windows. All one has to do is to change the put_stop_watch function in bidir.cpp. I replaced gettimeofday, which is not available in windows, with GetTickCount() from Windows.h. A few other minor adjustments are also required, like changing the paths to the model files etc.

You can download the windows port from here.


  1. Hi. any chance you still have the file? the link above is not working. thanks very much

  2. Hi Antonio, I've updated the link. Thanks for pointing it out!

  3. great! you saved my life. thanks a lot

  4. The link doesn't work... any chance you can update it and upload the file?
